- syntax
- the patterns of symbols in a language and the rules that say what patterns are allowed; the meaning of the syntax is called semantics See:Ask Me Anything: FAQs on Programs
- keywords
- words or symbols with special meaning in a language See:Basic Instinct♭Most paused scene on VCRs: Elements of An Ox Program
- string constant
- a sequence of hard coded characters See:Basic Instinct♭Most paused scene on VCRs: Elements of An Ox Program
- double constant
- a real number that appears in the source code See:Basic Instinct♭Most paused scene on VCRs: Elements of An Ox Program
- matrix constant
- a matrix of hardcoded numbers appearing in the source code See:Basic Instinct♭Most paused scene on VCRs: Elements of An Ox Program
- array constant
- a list of constants in the source code See:Basic Instinct♭Most paused scene on VCRs: Elements of An Ox Program
- statically typed languages
- the content of things (or objects) have one interpretation determined before execution starts at Time0. For example, a variable is declared an integer and will always be treated as an integer. Most statically typed languages have a way to get around this so a single location can be treated as different types during execution. This feature plays an important role in how Ox is written. See:Basic Instinct♭Most paused scene on VCRs: Elements of An Ox Program
- debugging
- the process of finding errors in code See:Stupid Human Tricks♭David Letterman 1980s: The Programming Cycle
- left value or lvalue
- An identifier in a program that has a memory cell associated with that can be modified during execution See:Express Yourself♭Charles Wright 1970 (before NWA and Madonna): Ox Syntax for Calculations
- iterative statement
- a structure in a language that allows a block of code to be repeated more than once, such for and while loops See:Oops … I Did It Again ♭Britney Spears 2000: Ox Syntax for Repeated Execution
- zero-pass loop
- an iterative structure that may not execute the body of the loop once See:Oops … I Did It Again ♭Britney Spears 2000: Ox Syntax for Repeated Execution
- bit or binary digit
- Binary digIT See:Tim♭Replacements 1985: Hardware for
- Graphical Processing Unit See:Tim♭Replacements 1985: Hardware for
- random access memory See:Tim♭Replacements 1985: Hardware for
- word
- a fixed number of bits in RAM located at an addressed treated as one piece of information See:Tim♭Replacements 1985: Hardware for
- IR
- instruction register: location on the CPU that contains the binary instruction to be executed in the next step of the execution cycle See:Tim♭Replacements 1985: Hardware for
- assembly language
- a programming language based on machine instructions making it easier for humans to create low-level computer code See:Machine Head♭Deep Purple Album 1971
- unsigned binary integer
- The code for storing non-negative whole numbers in a fixed number of bits. Example: 01012 = 52 See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- 2s Complement Arithmetic
- The coding and hardware designed for arithmetic involving signed binary integers See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- bit bucket
- where 1s carried from the leftmost bit in a word go. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- numeric overflow
- The event of attempting to store the result of an arithmetic operation that is too large to fit in the word being used. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- mantissa, base, and exponent
- The three integers that code a rational number in scientific notation. The base is 10 for humans and 2 for computers so the base is usually implicit. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- floating point real number (FPR)
- The code that uses 2 signed integers to represent real numbers See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- floating point operation (FLOP)
- One multiplication or division of two floating point real numbers, a measure of work an algorithm requires See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- round-off error
- When an arithmetic result is not stored exactly because the mantissa required is larger than the hardware mantissa. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- machine precision
- A measure of how accurate arithmetic is on a computer system. It equals the smallest floating point number that, if subtracted from 1.0, results in a value strictly less than 1.0. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- Overflow
- When an arithmetic operation results in a magnitude too large to store. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- NaN
- Not a Number: a special bit pattern that is treated as an undefined real number. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- fuzziness
- The tolerance for determining whether two floating point reals are equal. See:Numb3rs♭TV Show: Integers & Reals
- ASCII code
- A 8-bit code for storing Western European characters and printer controls. See:Memento♭I've forgotten already: Memory & Addresses
- Unicode
- A 16-bit code for storing characters of all languages See:Memento♭I've forgotten already: Memory & Addresses
- string
- One or more characters See:Memento♭I've forgotten already: Memory & Addresses
- pointer
- A data type that stores an address in memory and often information about the thing stored at the memory location. See:Memento♭I've forgotten already: Memory & Addresses
- run time
- a point in time while a program is executing. RT0 is the moment the program begins to execute. See:The Ties that Bind♭Bruce Springsteen 1980: When Things Happen in a Program
- static feature of a language
- An aspect of a program that is determined before execution begins See:The Ties that Bind♭Bruce Springsteen 1980: When Things Happen in a Program
- user-defined type
- a way a computer language allows a user to create new types of data storage. See:The Ties that Bind♭Bruce Springsteen 1980: When Things Happen in a Program
- heterogeneous array
- A data type that consists of one or more values that need not be the same type. See:The Ties that Bind♭Bruce Springsteen 1980: When Things Happen in a Program
- executable file
- a file that consists of binary instructions that can be loaded into memory and take over the CPU See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- interpreter
- A program that is executes code from its associated language and ensures machine instructions to carry out the code are executed. See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- compiled language
- A language that can produce an executable file and does not require an interpreter. See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- gcc
- The GNU C Compiler. See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- token list
- a list of all the individual items gleaned from a program to be parsed for meaning See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- parse tree
- a structure that is created during syntax analysis in order to produce object code See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- object code
- a binary file that contains the instructions implied by a program, whether machine instructions or pseudo-code; it cannot be executed directly because code from outside libraries must be linked into it first See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- linker
- the program that combines object files with library files in order to produce an executable file or prepares the interpreter to execute See:Across The Great Divide♭The Band 1969: The Two Kinds of Programming Languages
- pass-by-value
- A feature of a computer languages in which the value of function arguments are sent not the argument itself See:Fun, Fun, Fun♭Beach Boys 1964: Functions
- Run Time Environment
- Part of the operating system and programming language that provides services to a program, such as input and output See:The Style Council♭Paul Weller's group after the Jam:
- serial execution
- One instruction of a program is executed at a time, the mode of a single CPU computer. See:One Way or Another♭Blondie 1979: Parallel Execution
- shared memory
- A parallel programming design in which all threads or cores reference the same memory cells See:One Way or Another♭Blondie 1979: Parallel Execution
- Multi-threading
- A low-level parallel processing architecture in which segments of code within a program are executed simultaneously and then each thread waits until all our finished with the segment See:One Way or Another♭Blondie 1979: Parallel Execution
- Message Passing Interface
- A standard for multiple copies of a program executing simultaneously to pass information See:One Way or Another♭Blondie 1979: Parallel Execution
- forward-step derivative
- computing a derivative by computing the function at $x$ and $x+h$ See:Roll With the Changes♭REO Speedwagon 1978: Differential Calculus
- Hessian
- the matrix of second partial derivatives of a real-valued function See:Roll With the Changes♭REO Speedwagon 1978: Differential Calculus
- Jacobian
- The matrix of first partial derivatives for a vector valued function. If the function is real-valued then the Jacobian is the gradient vector See:Roll With the Changes♭REO Speedwagon 1978: Differential Calculus
- closed-form solution
- An answer to a mathematical formula that involves no coding. Example: the quadratic formula is a closed form solution to solving a quadratic equation. See:Non-Linear Systems
- argmax
- The argument of a function that achieves the maximum value See:Optimization
- sequential optimization
- an algorithm to optimize an objective function starting from some pre-determined starting vector See:Optimization
- Newton's method
- An iterative optimization algorithm that uses the function's gradient and Hessian See:Climb Every Mountain:♭Sound of Music 1965 Gradient and Hessian Based Optimization
- quasi-Newton
- A class of optimization algorithms that approximate the objective's Hessian but otherwise works like Newton See:Climb Every Mountain:♭Sound of Music 1965 Gradient and Hessian Based Optimization
- Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno. The most used quasi-Newton method for optimization. See:Climb Every Mountain:♭Sound of Music 1965 Gradient and Hessian Based Optimization
- Nelder-Mead
- An optimization algorithm that uses no gradient information. It is one of the most used algorithms in some areas of economics because it is effective and robust when gradient-based algorithms are not. See:Finding Nemo♭Movie: The Nelder-Mead Amoeba Algorithm
- Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP)
- An optimization algorithm that accounts for constraints as in Kuhn-Tucker problems See:Bound for Glory♭Book / Movie 1976: Contrained Optimization
- random experiment
- an uncertain situation See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- random variable
- a numerical value associated with random outcomes See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- discrete random variable
- discreterv See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- continuous random variable
- a random variable that can take on any value over an interval or intervals of the real line See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- cumulative distribution function (cdf)
- Prob(X<x) See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- pdf of a discrete
- pdf1 See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- pdf of a continuous random variable
- the derivative of the cdf See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- the joint cumulative distribution function (joint cdf)
- Prob(X<x,Y<y), for example See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- joint pdf
- the probability all the individual random variables take on the specified values See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- joint pdf
- the partial derivative of the cdf with respect to all the individual random variables See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- statistically independent
- the joint distribution of random variables factors into the product the marginal distributions See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- $Z\sim {\cal N}(0,1)$
- Z See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- $X\sim {\cal N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$
- normal See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- seed
- The current value(s) that determine the next random number generated by a pRNG. It is changed each time a value is generated. See:Known Unknowns♭Donald Rumsfeld 2003
- internal rate of return (IRR)
- the interest rate that makes the present value of stream of values equal to 0 See:Rates of Return
- internal rate of return (IRR)
- itle See:Rates of Return