Getting started … |
Install & ExploreInstallation instructions to get niqlow going on your system(s).
Browse and run test code, examples, and replications |
OODPRead the latest draft of the OODP academic paper that provides a niqlow-based definition of structural estimation and the existing literature. |
niqlow has 3 components (separate but integrated) |
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Derived Dynamic Programs | Object Oriented Objective Optimization in Ox | CF's Ox Inteface to the MPI Library |
Stages of using niqlow … |
Step 1. Design Your DP model
Step 2. Solve the model
- Use Methods to solve Bellman's equation for your model and compute choice probabilities.
- Create Data outcomes for the solution, either simulated data or (averaged) predictions.
Step 3. Find parameter values
- Use the integrated FiveO tools to maximize an objective or solve a system of
equations that depends on the solved DP model.
- See how to maximize a function in Get Started with FiveO
- Select among standard algorithms
- Use objectives that are integrated with DP models and external data or create your own.
Required DP Components
- Choose among derived Bellman classes to base your template for each point \(\theta\) of the state space.
- Choose key/required features of \(\theta\):
- Code Utility()
- Set the discount factor δ
Further customizations
When ready create the spaces
- As your code executes the model is built until you tell DDP to
- DDP will built your state space \(\Theta\), the feasible action spaces \(A(\theta)\) and the space of problems (group
space \(\Gamma\)).
- Storage is economized by limiting storage at each point \(\theta\) and relying heavily on shared (static) variables
- Now your code can solve and use the model …
Choose & apply a solution method.
- Solve for discrete choice probabilities (CCPs) under different assumptions or solve for reservation values of continuous
random shocks.
- Apply the solution to your model using its Solve() function.
- Let the method handle storage and computation efficiently accounting for your clock and other details.
- Create more than one method object to compare their performance
Create outcomes for the solved model
- Create a Panel of outcomes so you can Simulate outcomes from the model or read in external data to compute likelihood .
- Create a PanelPrediction to Predict expected outcomes (averaged over all random elements) and read in
external moments to compare them to.
- Send a solution method to the data object: when any prediction or econometric calculation is needed the model will be resolved (a nested algorithm).
Map model outcomes to data
- Map components (actions, state variables) to external data
- Treat unmapped components as missing.
- Add auxiliary outcomes to the data to augment incomplete information.
- Automatically integrate over "random effects" when computing econometrics objectives and the add values across
fixed effects (observed groups)
Parameterize your DP model
- Make parameters of Utility and state transitions objects of a Parameter or ParameterBlock
- Use built-in types of parameters to constrain them to open intervals in one or more related dimensions.
- Control which parameters are free to vary or should be held fixed by solution algorithms.
Create a criterion (objective)
- Use an automatically generated econometric objective already available that depend on external data.
- Create a system of equations to find Equilibrium prices.
- Add DP parameters to the objective/system so they are associated with it.
- Use built-in features to handle BHHH iteration
- Choose among GMM weighting options
Optimize your objective.
- Apply an Algorithm(s) using its Iterate() function.
- Apply different methods, monitor and checkpoint progress
- Rest assured: the DP model is re-solved each time the criterion is re-evaluated because you sent the solution method to the data objects.
- Turn DP iteration on and off in order to carry out Two-Stage Estimation.
When your model … |
Becomes Big
- Use CFMPI package to work in parallel on a Linux cluster
- Let niqlow handle parallel processing in optimization and model solving with no recoding
- Or use high levels tools provided to create your own Client/Server and Peer-to-Peer tasks
- Or use the low-level interfaces with the MPI library to customize.
| Is Estimated
- Use the estimated/equilibrium parameters to conduct policy experiments:
- Change a parameter value at the top level of your code and be assured its propagates down to the DP solution and
back up through predictions or simulated outcomes.
- Create your own derived class to change the clock, expand the state space, allow more choice re-using the existing code and
changing only what is necessary
Is a Contribution
- Add new elements of your model to the niqlow source code on your computer then request your changes be implemented (pulled) into niqlow.
- Create test or demonstration code for your new components or for core parts of niqlow.
- Post your model code as a github repository to share it with others.
- When your paper is published request your code be added to the replications.
The fine print … |