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Acquire, Install and Use niqlow.

Screenshot Guide to Installation.

  1. Get and install Ox (if necessary)
  2. Get niqlow
  3. Include niqlow on the Ox path.
  4. Test the installation
  5. Import niqlow or subcomponents in your program
  6. Bookmark the local copy of the documentation.

Details of the steps

  1. Get and install Ox and OxEdit.
  2. Download Ox from http://www.doornik.com/download/oxmetrics8/Ox_Console/
    Ox Versions
    These instructions presume you are using Ox Console.
    If you have Ox Professional please follow its installation instructions.
    It is recommended to install OxEdit as well as Ox Console.
    You can also run Ox from a "command line" or use another programming editor such as WinEdt or Emacs.

  3. Get niqlow
  4. Without using git
    download the archive file for the latest release.
    Extract the zip or gz file.
    The folder will have a name like niqlow-Release-3.55. You can rename the folder to simply niqlow.
    If you use git:
    Clone https://github.com/ferrall/niqlow.git
    Checkout the latest release branch.
    The documentation is included in the release file you extract or the repository

  5. Include niqlow in your Ox path.
  6. For niqlow to work properly, its include folder must be on the include path when you run an Ox program.
    Let PATH/niqlow be the full path to the niqlow folder after you have extracted and renamed it.
    On Windows and Macs:
    If your program called myprogram.ox relies on niqlow you can run it like this:
    oxl.exe -i"PATH/niqlow/include" myprogram.ox.
    Again, PATH is where you extracted the niplow folder on your computer. You only need the quotes around the path if the path contains spaces.
    In OxEdit
    One way to do this when using OxEdit is to use Tools->Add/Remove Modules to add -i"PATH/niqlow/include" as an Argument to the Ox run tool.
    Here is a screenshot for that dialog:
    First, make sure to check on the Takes Input option on the same menu. Otherwise if you run the main examples program nothing will happen because OxEdit will not send your keyboard input to the program.
    Second, note that the Argument box is a list of paths, in this case each path is relative to the folder that Ox program is located (such as ../include).
    Here is a screenshot for how you would edit the box:
    Note that quotes now surround the path, which is required if the path to niqlow includes spaces. Folders are separated by ";", so the full path to niqlow/include is placed at the end of the path.
    Make sure there is a space between the closing quote and the opening quote of the next argument.
    Click on CLOSE below to close the dialog and save the changes.

    Ox Console on Unix is invoked with the script /OxMetrics8/ox/bin/oxl (or bin64/oxl with the 64-bit version.
    It uses the environmental variable OX8PATH for the include path. You can modify that path in your shell profile file to include PATH/niqlow/include. (Details can differ, so an example is not shown.

    Using CFMPI or other shared object (DLL) libraries
    If you are using CFMPI modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the system can find the shared object files at execution time. You can add a line to the oxl script:
  7. Test niqlow by running RosenbrockMain.ox
  8. Inside OxEdit
    Open the file niqlow/examples/RosenbrockMain.ox
    Run the program. Either type Ctrl R or click the first "running man" on the OxEdit menu.
    From a command line prompt
    PATH/niqlow/examples>  oxl RosenbrockMain 
    Check the output
    You get should look like the output here:
  9. Use niqlow in your Ox program.
  10. Do this by adding an import to the top of your .ox or .h or .oxh file:
    #import "niqlow"
    If you get a runtime error that a file cannot be found it is probably because the niqlow/include path has not properly been added to the Ox include path.

  11. Bookmark the local copy of the documentation.
  12. As defined above, PATH/niqlow is the path on your computer to where niqlow was installed. The HTML documentation is included in PATH/niqlow/docs. In your browser you can PATH/niqlow/docs/niqlow.ox.html
    This documentation is the same as the one line documentation, except links to files in the examples folder work properly locally