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What Kind of niqlow User Are You?

There are three places to start depending on your background in programming and economic modeling.
Read this to decide where you should go next.

DDP is the part of niqlow that allows you to build a dynamic program, solve it and use the solution to make predictions, simulate data, etc. If you get to the stage of estimating parameters of your model, then you will also use the FiveO part that handles optimization.

Before trying to use this documentation or coding with niqlow, consider your background.

  1. You are new to computer programming and the Ox language …
  2. You are an experienced programmer (new to Ox or not), but you are new to dynamic programming models …
  3. You are confident in computer programming and the mathematical technique of dynamic programming as used in economics …
  4. You have already written your own code to estimate parameters of a dynamic programming model from data …

© 2011-2023 Christopher Ferrall