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 Replications of Published DDP Work files

 AguirregabiriaMira2002.ox Replicate Aguirregabiria and Mira 2002 (incomplete).
 AiyagariQJE1994.ox Aiyagari (1994) or Bewley-Huggett-Aiyagari (BHA) is a heterogeneous agent general equilibrium model.
 BerkovecSternEmet1991.ox Replicate Berkovec Stern 1991 Model of Retirement using DDP.
 GilleskieEmet1998.ox Replicate Gilleskie 1998 using DDP.
 IJCEmet2009.ox Replicate Imai, Jain and Ching Econometrica 2009 (incomplete).
 KeaneWolpinREStat1994.ox Replicate Keane and Wolpin (REStat 1994) Dynamic Roy Model using KW Approximation.
 KennetJAE1994.ox Replicating Kennet JAE (1994) Jet Engine Replacement Model using DDP.
 RosenzweigWolpinJPE1993.ox Replicating Rosenzweig-Wolpin (1993) Farmer Model using DDP.
 RustEmet1987.ox Replicate Rust (Emet 1987) Engine Replacement Model using DDP.
 RustEmet1987mle.ox Replicate MLE Estimates Reported in Rust (1987).
 RustEmet1987readdata2022.ox Read bus data from Rust (1987) to be read into niqlow.
 WolpinEmet1987.ox Replicate Wolpin (Econometrica 1987), the school to work transition search model.
 WolpinJPE1984.ox Replicate Tables 8 and 9 of Wolpin (1982), Yale Economic Growth Center Working Paper No.