| | | | | | | | | | | |
Static elements shared by the user model, groups and data. |
Base class for any DP problem and each point \(\theta\) in the endogenous state space. |
Base class for DP problem when choice probabilities are smoothed ex-post. |
One-dimensional action models with user defined distribution of \(\zeta\). |
A OneDimensionalChoice model with discretized approximation to "accepted" past \(\zeta\). |
Base class for a model with a single state. |
The base class for models that include an additve extreme value error in action value. |
Myopic choice problem (\(\delta=0.0\)) with standard Extreme Value \(\zeta\). |
Special case of Extreme value. |
The containter class for models that include additve normal smoothing shocks. |
Class for adding correlated normal smoothing shocks to action value. |
Class for adding correlated normal smoothing shocks to action value. |
Myopic choice problem (\(\delta=0.0\)) over \(J\) sectors with correlated Normal \(\zeta\). |
A Group object stores information for a point \(\gamma\) in the Group Space \(\Gamma\). |
Process (span) space or subspace. |
Base class for Outcomes and Predictions. |
A single realization of a discrete DP. |
A sequence of outcomes along a single realized DP path. |
A list of Paths sharing the same fixed effect. |
A heterogenous panel. |
A panel with data-handling tools. |
An outcome data set for Ergodic DP models with semi-closed form gradients. |
Predicted distribution across states. |
Predicted outcomes along a path. |
Store and process path predictions for all fixed effect groups. |
Stores data read in as moments and associate them with a panel of predictions. |
Base Task for constructing the transition for endogenous states. |
Base Task for looping over \(\epsilon\) and \(\eta\). |
. |
Compute expected outcomes given exogenous vector values. |
Call Utility(). |
Base Task for looping over \(\eta\). |
Loop over \(\eta\) to compute EV. |
Loop over \(\eta\) to compute transitions. |
The base task for processing \(\gamma\). |
The task called in CreateSpaces that creates \(\Gamma\). |
The base task for looping over fixed effects. |
Compute Estimate of Conditional Choice Probability from Data. |
A container for solution methods. |
Solve a DP model using the Hotz-Miller inverse mapping from conditional choice probabilities. |
Solve a DP model using the Aguiregabiria Mira iterative prodecure. |
Solve for cutoffs as a non-linear system of equations in a one-dimensional choice problem. |
Solve EV as as a non-linear system in a stationary EVExAnte environment. |
Object ot iterate on Bellman's Equation, to solve EV(θ) for all fixed and random effects. |
Approximate EV from a subsample of Θ using Keane-Wolpin (1994). |
Iterate on Bellman's equation then switch to N-K iteration. |
The base task for looping over random effects \(\gamma_r\). |
Integrate over \(\gamma_r\). |
Loop over random effect values \(\gamma_r\), call GSolve() method for the calling method. |
. |
Dynamically reset the density over random effects given the current fixed effect group. |
Base Class for tasks that loop over the endogenous state space Θ. |
Allocate space for each reachable point \(\theta\) in the state space \(\Theta\). |
Called when subsampling Θ for KeaneWolpin approximation. |
Output routines . |
The base method for iterating over \(\theta\) during solution methods. |
Keane-Wolpin specific version of GSolve. |
Replacement for GSsolve used by NewtonKantorovich. |
Represent V or R* as a non-linear system. |
Holds V as a system of equations. |
System of equations for reservation value solutions. |
Container for discrete variables (DDP) and continuous parameters (FiveO). |
Base Class for variables related to outcomes. |
An auxiliary value that is an indicator for values other actions or states. |
Create |
Add normal noise to a AV() compatible target, either linear or log-linear. |
Built-in variable that records realized utility. |
A wrapper around a function that returns an auxiliary value. |
Discrete values: actions, states, auxiliaries. |
An element of the action vector \(\alpha\). |
Easy way to create a binary choice. |
Base Class for elements of state vectors, \(\epsilon\), \(\eta\), \(\theta\), \(\gamma\) . |
State variables that augment another state variable (the base) or otherwise specialize it. |
Container for augmented state variables in which a value or an action trigger a transition
not present in the base state. |
A state variable that augments a base transition so that the value of an action variable triggers this state to transit to a value. |
When a permanent condition will occur next period because an action is chosen now this state permanently becomes equal to its reset value. |
When the trigger is 1 the transition resets to 0, otherwise it is the base. |
A state variable that augments a base transition so that with some probability it
takes on a special value next period. |
Unfreeze a froze variable under some condition. |
A state variable that augments a base transition so that the value of a AV()-compatible object triggers this state to transit to a special value. |
Forget values when t==T (effective next time period). |
When the trigger value returns TRUE this state freezes at its current value. |
Let a state variable transit only in one sub-period of a Divided clock. |
Container for single state variables with a statistically independent transition. |
A container class for state variables with a non-random transition. |
Add up the values of the target action or state up to a maximum. |
Add up the values of a target action up to a maximum. |
Add up the values of the target state. |
Count periods value(s) of target action or state variable have occurred. |
Track number of periods value(s) of target action variable have occurred. |
Track number of consecutive periods an action or state variable has had the same value. |
Counts periods value(s) of target state s.x have occurred. |
Responsible for tracking reachability in a list of state counters for a target. |
A state variable with a general non-random transition. |
Increments each period up to N‾ then returns to 0. |
Base class for variables that take on previous values of other states or actions. |
Take on the current value of an action variable. |
Record the value of an action variable at a specified time. |
Record if an action has ever been non-zero. |
Take on the current value of another state variable. |
Record the value of an state variable q at a specified time, starting the following period. |
Store a new offer or retain its current value. |
Indicates a state or action took on particular values last period. |
Indicates an action variable took on a value last period. |
Indicates another state variable took on a value last period. |
Indicator for a condition (ever) occuring in the past. |
State variables with a non-determinisitic transition. |
A binary variable to code an absorbing state. |
Discretized interest-bearing asset. |
A variable |
A placeholder for variables to be added to the model later. |
A discretized version of a continous ζ. |
A Markov process. |
A discrete IID process. |
A binary IID process. |
Equally likely values each period (IID). |
A jump variable whose acutal values are quantiles of the normal distribution, \(N(\mu,\sigma)\). |
A single IID jump variable which will return a simulated vector of correlated normal variates. |
A jump variable whose acutal values are quantiles of the standard normal distribution. |
A IID jump variable whose actual values are quantiles of the exponential distribution
with decay rate \(\gamma\). |
A variable that jumps to a new value with probability π, otherwise stays the same. |
A one-dimensional correlated discretized normal process using Tauchen's approach. |
Rouwenhorst approximation to discretized correlated normal value. |
A Basic Offer Variable. |
A binary random state variable that goes from 1 to 0 with
a AV-compatible probability and goes from 0 to 1 based on
the value of an action or a CV-compatible object. |
A state variable that can stay the same, increase by 1 or decrease by 1. |
Increments randomly based on Pi then returns to 0 if reset=1. |
A member of a state block: transition of this variable depends on transition of one or more other state variables. |
Component of a multi-dimensional normal StateBlock. |
Base class for members of a Clock block. |
A Block of Coevolving state variables. |
Base class for timing in DP models. |
A container for non-stationary clocks. |
Timing in an ordinary finite horizon environment. |
A static one-shot program (T=1). |
A period is divided into sub-periods. |
Container for non-stationary and non-deterministic aging clocks. |
Aging within brackets. |
Deterministic aging with random early death. |
Random mortality and uncertain lifetime. |
A sequence of treatment phases with fixed maximum durations. |
Timing in a stationary environment. |
Re-occuring epsiodes with endogenous onset and ending probabilities. |
A Block of FixedEffect group variables. |
A block of fixed effects that can be created like a vector of demographic variables. |
Container for a block of discrete multivariate IID variables (can be contemporaneously correlated). |
A discrete multivariate normal IID block of contemporaneously correlated variables. |
A combination of an Offer state variable and a status variable, (w,m) . |
A Block of CorrelatedEffect group variables. |
Base container for an element of the group vector \(\gamma\). |
Base class for a state variable that is non-random and invariant for an individual DP problem. |
An element of the FixedEffectBlock. |
Base for that is invariant for an individual DP problem treated as random. |
An element of a RandomEffectBlock. |
A permanent discretize N(0,σ2) random effect. |
Use Tauchen's method to discretize a normal variable for Fixed Effects. |
Continuously varying quantity: the base class for parameters of an Objective. |
A container for auxiliary structures, which helps organize the hierarchy of classes. |
. |
Holds information about a column in the data. |
Container for auxiliary classes used in DDP but not elsewhere (directly). |
Aspects of the Action Space \(A(\theta)\). |
Indicators related to the DP problem. |
Manages an array (stored in hooks) that holds user-defined static functions/methods to call at different points in the solution process. |
Dynamically updated indices into state spaces. |
Contains arrays of labels for variables. |
Numbers and sizes of vectors related to the dynamic program. |
Newton-Kantorovich iteration information. |
Stores information on a set of state variables, such as θ
Stores information on a set of spaces, such as reality or treatment |
Contains information on an object (variable, auxiliary outcome, etc) to be tracked. |
A continuous discretization of a (potentially) continuous quantity. |
Code a system of constraints. |
A container for equality constraints. |
A container for inequality constraints. |
Container for different integration techniques. |
Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Integration. |
Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature Integration. |
Smooth Simulation of Multinomial Normal Probabilities and EValues. |
Holds one line maximization try. |
Store information about a multidimensional point. |
Store a point for a constrained objective. |
Store a point for a mixture objective. |
Store a point for a separable objective. |
A system point. |
Checks minimum Ox version and prints copyright info. |