| | | | | | | |
Base class for optimization and system-solving algorithms. |
Gradient based algorithms. |
Algorithms that optimize an objective based on gradient and/or Hessian information. |
Newton Updating of H . |
Berndt Hall Hall Hausman Updating. |
Container for algorithms that use but do not compute the Hessian matrix H. |
Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno Updating of the hessian H. |
[not coded yet] Davidon Fletcher Powell Updating of H. |
Solve system of equations using Jacobian information. |
Broyden approximation to the Jacobian. |
Update the Jacobian on each iteration. |
Sequential Quadratic Programming for constrained optimization. |
Container for algorithms that do not rely on gradients. |
Methods specific to solving or optimizing in one dimension. |
One-dimensional line search for a maximum. |
Constrained line maximization. |
Systems line maximization. |
Solve for the root of a OneDimSystem system using Bracket-Bisect. |
The Nelder and Mead Amoeba (Simplex) algorithm. |
Metropolis Simulated Annealing algorithm . |
A special case of annealing in which the temperature stays the same and only improvements are accepted. |
Client for parallel evaluation of objectives. |
Base class for objective optimization and system solving. |
Container for Constrained Objectives. |
A non-linear system of equations to solve. |
A nonlinear system for computing equilibrium. |
A One Dimensional Non-linear system (can be solved with OneDimSolve). |
Container for Unconstrained Objectives. |
Represents a blacbox objective. |
Constant elasticity of subsitution function. |
Cobb-Douglas objective. |
Base class for automatically generated econometric objectives: likelihood functions and GMM objective. |
Objective for multinomial choice models. |
Multinomial Logit Model. |
Container for normally-distributed multinomial discrete choice reduced-form models. |
Correlated MNP using GHK . |
Independent MNP using Gausss-Hermite integration. |
Represent sum of K BlackBox objectives. |
Server for parallel evaluation of BlackBox objectives. |
Container for discrete variables (DDP) and continuous parameters (FiveO). |
Discrete values: actions, states, auxiliaries. |
Continuously varying quantity: the base class for parameters of an Objective. |
Value determined exactly by some other value, not chosen by optimization. |
Can take on any real number: \(-\infty \lt v \lt \infty\). |
Container for parameters are neither Free nor Determined. |
A parameter contained in an open interval \(L \lt v \lt U\). |
Bounded as: -1 < v < 1 . |
Bounded as: 0 < v < 1 . |
Parameter bounded from above \(-\infty \lt v \lt U\). |
Bounded from above by 0. |
A parameter bounded from below: \(L \lt v \lt \infty\). |
Parameter Bounded from below by 0. |
Two or more parameters whose ranges interact or are related for some other reason. |
Vector of free parameters. |
Vector of J probabilities that sum to strictly less than 1. |
Vector of values determined exactly by some other value. |
Vector of parameters that are sequentially decreasing. |
Vector of parameters that are sequentially increasing. |
Vector of Probabilities. |
Vector of J probabilities that sum to 1. |
Positive Vector. |
A container for auxiliary structures, which helps organize the hierarchy of classes. |
. |
A continuous discretization of a (potentially) continuous quantity. |
Code a system of constraints. |
A container for equality constraints. |
A container for inequality constraints. |
Container for different integration techniques. |
Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Integration. |
Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature Integration. |
Smooth Simulation of Multinomial Normal Probabilities and EValues. |
Holds one line maximization try. |
Store information about a multidimensional point. |
Store a point for a constrained objective. |
Store a point for a mixture objective. |
Store a point for a separable objective. |
A system point. |
Checks minimum Ox version and prints copyright info. |