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Methods to Optimize an Objective or Solve a Non-Linear System.  ⇩ 

Algorithms are methods to optimize/solve a vector of parameters \((\psi)\) for either an objective to maximize or a system of equations to solve. Each algorithm is derived from the Algorithm class.

See the FiveO class hierarchy to see all the available algorithms.

© 2011-2023 Christopher Ferrall

Documentation of Items Defined in Algorithms.ox  ⇧ 


Base class for optimization and system-solving algorithms.

To use an algorithm:
Declare a class for your Objective (e.g. a BlackBox or System).
Create an object of your objective class.
Create an object of the algorithm class you want to use, sending your objective to the creator.
If desired, call the algorithm's Tune() method to tweak parameters and/or change the volume setting.
Call the Iterate() method of the algorithm.
Public fields
 convergence Convergence code.
 IIterate Running on the Client node or no MPI .
 inparallel Running in parallel.
 istr @internal.
 iter current iteration count.
 itoler static const Default top level convergence tolerance.
 logf log file
 lognm const name of log file
 logpfx const prefix on log before timestamp added.
 maxiter maximum iterations
 N .
 NormalStart Not restarting from alg.
 O const User's objective.
 path sequence of structural parameters .
 StorePath Store path of iterations in path.
 tolerance top level convergence tolerance
 Volume output level, NoiseLevels
Public methods
 Algorithm Base class for non-linear programming algorithms.
 CheckPoint virtual
 ItEnd virtual Finish up iteration.
 Iterate virtual
 ItStartCheck virtual This routine is called at the start if Iterate().
 out virtual
 Paths virtual
 Tune virtual Tune Parameters of the Algorithm.

 BFGS : QuasiNewton : HillClimbing : GradientBased : Algorithm

Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno Updating of the hessian H.

See Wikipedia::BFGS

To use this algorithm:
Declare a class for your Objective (e.g. a BlackBox or System).
Create an object of your objective class.
Create a BFGS object, sending your objective to the creator.
If desired, call Tune() method to tweak parameters and/or change the volume setting.
Call BFGS::Iterate().

class MyObjective : BlackBox{
    ⋮   // parameters should be declared as members of your class
    vfunc(subp=DoAll);  // you have to define the objective
decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl b = new BFGS(myobj);
See GetStarted for an example of using BFGS
Tune the parameters of the algorithm with Tune();
Public methods
 BFGS Create an object of the BFGS algorithm.
 Hupdate virtual Apply BFGS updating on the Hessian.
Inherited methods from HillClimbing:
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, Gupdate, HHupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 BHHH : Newton : HillClimbing : GradientBased : Algorithm

Berndt Hall Hall Hausman Updating. Update Hessian with outer product of the gradient.
Public methods
 BHHH Create an object of the BHHH algorithm.
 Hupdate virtual UPdate the Hessian for the BHHH algorithm.
Inherited methods from Newton:
Inherited methods from HillClimbing:
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, Gupdate, HHupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 Broyden : RootFinding : GradientBased : Algorithm

Broyden approximation to the Jacobian.
Public methods
 Broyden Create a new Broyden solution for a system of equations.
 Jupdate virtual Apply Broyden's formula to update the Jacobian.
Inherited methods from RootFinding:
Direction, Gupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, JJupdate, RootFinding
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, GradientBased, HHupdate, Hupdate, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from RootFinding:
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 CLineMax : LineMax : LineMethod : NonGradient : Algorithm

Constrained line maximization.
Public methods
 CLineMax Create a Constrained Line Maximization object.
Inherited methods from LineMax:
Inherited methods from LineMethod:
Bracket, Golden, Iterate, LineMethod, PTry
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths, Tune
Inherited fields from LineMethod:
Delta, improved, maxstp
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 DFP : QuasiNewton : HillClimbing : GradientBased : Algorithm

[not coded yet] Davidon Fletcher Powell Updating of H.
Public methods
 DFP Create an object of the DFP algorithm.
 Hupdate virtual
Inherited methods from HillClimbing:
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, Gupdate, HHupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 GradientBased : Algorithm

Gradient based algorithms.

Algorithms of this class use the gradient, \(\nabla f(\psi)\).
Public fields
 cmsg static const
 deltaG |∇m-∇m-1|.
 deltaX |xm-xm-1.
 gradtoler tolerance for strong convergence.
 Hresetcnt # of time H reset to I
 IamNewt Newton version .
 igradtoler static const
 LM const
 LMitmax max iterations on line search.
 LMmaxstep maximum step size in line search.
Public methods
 CheckPoint virtual Handle gradient based checkpoint files.
 Direction virtual Compute the direction for the current line search.
 GradientBased Initialize a Gradient-Based algorithm.
 Gupdate virtual Update the gradient ∇ f(ψ).
 HHupdate Update the Hessian Hf.
 Hupdate virtual Default Hessian Update: Steepest Descent, so H f(ψ) does not change.
 Iterate virtual Iterate on a gradient-based algorithm.
 ItStartCheck virtual This routine is called at the start if Iterate().
 Tune virtual Tune Parameters of the Algorithm.

Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 HillClimbing : GradientBased : Algorithm

Algorithms that optimize an objective based on gradient and/or Hessian information. This is a container class. If you create an object of this type it is the same as creating GradientBased object (i.e. steepest descent).
Public methods
 HillClimbing Base for Hill Climbing objects.
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, Gupdate, HHupdate, Hupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 LineMax : LineMethod : NonGradient : Algorithm

One-dimensional line search for a maximum.

Bracket a maximum, then Golden Rule iteration to reduce the interval.

This method is called by GradientBased routines, but it can be used for one-dimensional search.
Public methods
 LineMax A method to optimize along a line.

Inherited methods from LineMethod:
Bracket, Golden, Iterate, LineMethod, PTry
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths, Tune
Inherited fields from LineMethod:
Delta, improved, maxstp
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 LineMethod : NonGradient : Algorithm

Methods specific to solving or optimizing in one dimension.

These methods are embedded into other algorithms and in some cases can be used on their own.
Public fields
 Delta Direction vector.
 improved .
 maxstp .
Public methods
 Bracket Bracket a local maximum along the line.
 Golden Golden ratio line search.
 Iterate Optimize on a line optimization.
 PTry virtual

Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths, Tune
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 NelderMead : NonGradient : Algorithm

The Nelder and Mead Amoeba (Simplex) algorithm.

Nelder and Mead Amoeba (Simplex) algorithm.

at Wikipedia

To use this algorithm:
Declare a class for your Objective (e.g. a BlackBox or System).
Create an object of your objective class.
Create a NelderMead object, sending your objective to the creator.
If desired, call Tune() method to tweak parameters and/or change the volume setting.
Call Iterate().

class MyObjective : BlackBox{
decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl nm = new NelderMead(myobj);
nm -> Iterate();
See GetStarted for an example of using NelderMead
Public fields
 alpha static const α.
 beta static const β.
 fdiff |f()-mean(f)|
 gamma static const γ.
 istep static const default initial step size.
 itoler static const default Plexsize tolerance.
 mxstarts number simplex resets.
 n_func function evaluations.
 nodeV function values on the simples.
 nodeX free parameter simplex.
 plexsize current area of plex.
 step current step size to create simplex
Public methods
 Iterate Iterate on the Amoeba algorithm.
 NelderMead Initialize a Nelder-Mead Simplex Maximization.
 Reflect Reflect through simplex.
 SimplexSize Compute size of the current simplex.
 Tune Tune NelderMead Parameters .
 TryResults Results from an amoeba try.
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 Newton : HillClimbing : GradientBased : Algorithm

Newton Updating of H .

Evaluate Hessian at each iteration.

To use this algorithm:
Declare a class for your Objective (e.g. a BlackBox or System).
Create an object of your objective class.
Create a Newton object, sending your objective to the creator.
If desired, call Tune() method to tweak parameters and/or change the volume setting.
Call Newton::Iterate().

class MyObjective : BlackBox{
    ⋮   // parameters should be declared as members of your class
    vfunc(subp=DoAll);  // you have to define the objective
decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl newt = new Newton(myobj);
newt -> Iterate();
Public methods
 Hupdate virtual Compute the objective's Hessian and the current parameter vector.
 Newton Create an object of the Newton optimization algorithm.
Inherited methods from HillClimbing:
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, Gupdate, HHupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 NewtonRaphson : RootFinding : GradientBased : Algorithm

Update the Jacobian on each iteration.
Public methods
 Jupdate virtual Compute the objective's Jacobian.
 NewtonRaphson Create a Newton-Raphson object to solve a system of equations.
Inherited methods from RootFinding:
Direction, Gupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, JJupdate, RootFinding
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, GradientBased, HHupdate, Hupdate, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from RootFinding:
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 NonGradient : Algorithm

Container for algorithms that do not rely on gradients.
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, Iterate, ItStartCheck, out, Paths, Tune
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 OneDimRoot : SysMax : LineMethod : NonGradient : Algorithm

Solve for the root of a OneDimSystem system using Bracket-Bisect.
Public fields
 defmxiter static const
 istepmin static const minimum initial step size.
 itoler static const
Public methods
 Bracket Bracket a root of the equation.
 Iterate Find a 1-dimensional root.
 OneDimRoot Object to iterate to find the root a non-linear equation (OneDimSystem).
Inherited methods from SysMax:
Inherited methods from LineMethod:
Golden, LineMethod, PTry
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths, Tune
Inherited fields from LineMethod:
Delta, improved, maxstp
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 QuasiNewton : HillClimbing : GradientBased : Algorithm

Container for algorithms that use but do not compute the Hessian matrix H.

at Wikipedia

Inherited methods from HillClimbing:
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, Gupdate, HHupdate, Hupdate, Iterate, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 RandomSearch : SimulatedAnnealing : NonGradient : Algorithm

A special case of annealing in which the temperature stays the same and only improvements are accepted.
See also:
Public methods
 RandomSearch Random search without annealing.
Inherited methods from SimulatedAnnealing:
Iterate, Metropolis, SimulatedAnnealing, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths
Inherited fields from SimulatedAnnealing:
accept, chol, cooling, heat, holdpt, M, shrinkage, tries, Vtries, vtries
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 RootFinding : GradientBased : Algorithm

Solve system of equations using Jacobian information.
Public fields
 USELM use line search.
Public methods
 Direction Compute the direction.
 Gupdate Upate Jacobian when using line search aggregation of the system.
 Iterate Iterate to solve a non-linear system.
 ItStartCheck virtual This routine is called at the start if Iterate().
 JJupdate Wrapper for updating the Jacobian of the system.
 Jupdate virtual Compute the objective's Jacobian.
 RootFinding Solve a non-linear system of equations.
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, GradientBased, HHupdate, Hupdate, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 SimulatedAnnealing : NonGradient : Algorithm

Metropolis Simulated Annealing algorithm .

at Wikipedia

To use an algorithm:
Declare a class for your Objective (e.g. a BlackBox or System).
Create an object of your objective class.
Create a SimulatedAnnealing object, sending your objective to the creator.
If desired, call Tune() method to tweak parameters and/or change the volume setting.
Call Iterate().

class MyObjective : BlackBox{
decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl sa = sa SimulatedAnnealing(myobj);
sa -> Iterate();
See ?? for an example
Tune the parameters of the algorithm with Tune();
Public fields
 chol cholesky matrix for random parameter change, default I
 cooling rate to cool down.
 heat current heat default intial =1.0
 shrinkage rate to shrink variance.default=0.5
Public methods
 Iterate Carry out annealing.
 Metropolis accept or reject.
 SimulatedAnnealing Initialize Simulated Annealing.
 Tune Tune annealing parameters.
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 SQP : GradientBased : Algorithm

Sequential Quadratic Programming for constrained optimization.
Public fields
 BETA static const
Public methods
 Gupdate .
 HHupdate .
 Hupdate virtual .
 Iterate Iterate.
 SQP Create a new Sequential Quadratic Programming object.
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 SQPBFGS : SQP : GradientBased : Algorithm

Public methods
Inherited methods from SQP:
Gupdate, HHupdate, Hupdate, Iterate, SQP
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from SQP:
BETA, ne, ni
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 SQPNEWTON : SQP : GradientBased : Algorithm

Public methods
Inherited methods from SQP:
Gupdate, HHupdate, Hupdate, Iterate, SQP
Inherited methods from GradientBased:
CheckPoint, Direction, GradientBased, ItStartCheck, Tune
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, ItEnd, out, Paths
Inherited fields from SQP:
BETA, ne, ni
Inherited fields from GradientBased:
cmsg, deltaG, deltaX, gradtoler, Hresetcnt, IamBHHH, IamNewt, igradtoler, LM, LMitmax, LMmaxstep
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume

 SysMax : LineMethod : NonGradient : Algorithm

Systems line maximization. This specializes line optimization to be used inside the system solver.

The negative of the norm of the system is used as the objective to evaluate improvement.

A special case is OneDimRoot which brackets the root not a local optimum in the norm.
Public methods
 SysMax A method to optimize along a line.

Inherited methods from LineMethod:
Bracket, Golden, Iterate, LineMethod, PTry
Inherited methods from Algorithm:
Algorithm, CheckPoint, ItEnd, ItStartCheck, out, Paths, Tune
Inherited fields from LineMethod:
Delta, improved, maxstp
Inherited fields from Algorithm:
convergence, holdF, IIterate, inparallel, istr, iter, itoler, logf, lognm, logpfx, maxiter, N, NormalStart, O, path, StorePath, tolerance, Volume



Algorithm :: Algorithm ( O )
Base class for non-linear programming algorithms.
O Objective to work on.

A timestamped log file is created for the algorithm when it is created. You can control the output level by setting Volume to the desired NoiseLevels. The default volume level is SILENT.



decl convergence [public]
Convergence code. See ConvergenceResults


decl holdF [public]


decl IIterate [public]
Running on the Client node or no MPI .


decl inparallel [public]
Running in parallel.


decl istr [public]


virtual Algorithm :: ItEnd ( )
Finish up iteration. The current free parameter vector is decoded into structural parameters. If running in parallel then the client node will tell servers to stop and then announce the new structural parameter vector. The servers will drop out of the server loop and all nodes will get past Iterate()


decl iter [public]
current iteration count.



static const decl itoler [public]
Default top level convergence tolerance.


virtual Algorithm :: ItStartCheck ( ReadCheckPoint )
This routine is called at the start if Iterate().
ReadCheckPoint TRUE means starting point coming from the checkpoint file.

If running in parallel it is this routine that server nodes go into the server loop. The client node will enter into the main iteration loop.


decl logf [public]
log file


const decl lognm [public]
name of log file


const decl logpfx [public]
prefix on log before timestamp added.


decl maxiter [public]
maximum iterations


decl N [public]


decl NormalStart [public]
Not restarting from alg. checkpoint.


const decl O [public]
User's objective.


virtual Algorithm :: out ( fn )


decl path [public]
sequence of structural parameters .


virtual Algorithm :: Paths ( starts )


decl StorePath [public]
Store path of iterations in path.


decl tolerance [public]
top level convergence tolerance


virtual Algorithm :: Tune ( maxiter , toler , nfuncmax )
Tune Parameters of the Algorithm. This is the base version. Some derived algorithms replace this with their own Tune methods.
maxiter integer max. number of iterations
0 use current/default value
toler double, simplex tolerance for convergence
0 use current/default value
nfuncmax integer, number of function evaluations before resetting the simplex
0 use current/default value


decl Volume [public]
output level, NoiseLevels



BFGS :: BFGS ( O )
Create an object of the BFGS algorithm.
O the Objective object to apply this algorithm to.

decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl bfgs = new BFGS(myobj);

See GetStarted


virtual BFGS :: Hupdate ( )
Apply BFGS updating on the Hessian.

Active Ox code in this routine:
  dg = (OC.G - oldG),
  A = double(dx*dg'),
  B = double(outer(dx,OC.H));
  if (fabs(A) < SQRT_EPS*norm(dg,2)*deltaX ) return FAIL;
  OC.H += outer(dg,<>,'o')/A - outer(dx*OC.H,<>,'o')/B;
  return NONE;
FAIL if the updating tolerances are not met.
Otherwise NONE
See also:
ConvergenceResults, NoiseLevels



BHHH :: BHHH ( O )
Create an object of the BHHH algorithm.
O the Objective object to apply this algorithm to.

decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl bhhh = new BHHH(myobj);

See GetStarted


virtual BHHH :: Hupdate ( )
UPdate the Hessian for the BHHH algorithm.



Broyden :: Broyden ( O , USELM )
Create a new Broyden solution for a system of equations.
O, the System-derived object to solve.
USELM FALSE [default] do not do a line search each iteration.

obj = new MyObjective();
broy = new Broyden(obj);
broy -> Iterate();

Also see GetStarted


virtual Broyden :: Jupdate ( dx )
Apply Broyden's formula to update the Jacobian.
dx xt+1 - xt



CLineMax :: CLineMax ( O )
Create a Constrained Line Maximization object.
O Objective



DFP :: DFP ( O )
Create an object of the DFP algorithm.
O the Objective object to apply this algorithm to.

decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl dfp = new DFP(myobj);




virtual GradientBased :: CheckPoint ( WriteOut )
Handle gradient based checkpoint files.
WriteOut TRUE - write mode
FALSE read from file mode


static const decl cmsg [public]


decl deltaG [public]


decl deltaX [public]


virtual GradientBased :: Direction ( )
Compute the direction for the current line search. If inversion of H fails, reset to I
direction vector.


GradientBased :: GradientBased ( O )
Initialize a Gradient-Based algorithm.


decl gradtoler [public]
tolerance for strong convergence.


virtual GradientBased :: Gupdate ( )
Update the gradient ∇ f(ψ).

This routine is called inside Iterate().
Creates a copy of the current gradient.
Calls Gradient() routine to compute &nabla f(ψ), which is (stored internally in G).
Then computes the size of ∇ using the built-in Ox norm(m,2) routine.
If Volume is louder than QUIET ∇ f() is printed to the screen.
TRUE if ∇f(ψ) < gradtoler
FALSE otherwise


GradientBased :: HHupdate ( FORCE )
Update the Hessian Hf.
FORCE see below.

This is a wrapper for the virtual Hupdate() routine and is called on each iteration (except possibly the first if convergence is already achieved).

Computes the difference in parameter values from this iteration and the last as well is the norm (both used by QuasiNewton algorithms).
If FORCE is TRUE, call Gupdate() and check both STRONG and WEAK convergence criteria.
Then call the algorithm-specific Hupdate() routine.

the output of Hupdate()
See also:


decl Hresetcnt [public]
# of time H reset to I


virtual GradientBased :: Hupdate ( )
Default Hessian Update: Steepest Descent, so H f(ψ) does not change.

Since the default gradient-based algorithm is steepest descent, and since this algorithm does not use the Hessian, this return does nothing and returns

See also:


decl IamBHHH [public]


decl IamNewt [public]
Newton version .


static const decl igradtoler [public]


virtual GradientBased :: Iterate ( H )
Iterate on a gradient-based algorithm.
H matrix, initial Hessian
integer, use the identity I as the initial value, or compute H if Newton.

This routine works the CFMPI to execute the parallel task of computing the gradient.

Gradient-based algorithms conduct a LineMaximization on each iteration.

See also:


virtual GradientBased :: ItStartCheck ( H )
This routine is called at the start if Iterate().
ReadCheckPoint TRUE means starting point coming from the checkpoint file.

If running in parallel it is this routine that server nodes go into the server loop. The client node will enter into the main iteration loop.


const decl LM [public]


decl LMitmax [public]
max iterations on line search.
See also:


decl LMmaxstep [public]
maximum step size in line search.


virtual GradientBased :: Tune ( maxiter , toler , nfuncmax , LMitmax , LMmaxstep )
Tune Parameters of the Algorithm.
maxiter integer max. number of iterations
0 use current/default value
toler double, simplex tolerance for convergence
0 use current/default value
nfuncmax integer, number of function evaluations before resetting the simplex
0 use current/default value
LMitmax integer, max number of line maximization iterions
0 use current/default value
LMmaxstep double, maximum change in line maximization



HillClimbing :: HillClimbing ( O )
Base for Hill Climbing objects.



LineMax :: LineMax ( O )
A method to optimize along a line.
O Objective



LineMethod :: Bracket ( )
Bracket a local maximum along the line.


decl Delta [public]
Direction vector.


LineMethod :: Golden ( )
Golden ratio line search.


decl improved [public]


LineMethod :: Iterate ( Delta , maxiter , maxstp )
Optimize on a line optimization.
Delta vector of directions to define the line
maxiter > 0 max. number iterations
0 set to 1000
maxstp > 0, maximum step size in parameters.


LineMethod :: LineMethod ( O )


decl maxstp [public]


virtual LineMethod :: PTry ( pt , left , right )


TryResults Results from an amoeba try. hi, nxtlo, lo, worst, TryResults


static const decl alpha [public]


static const decl beta [public]


NelderMead :: CheckPoint ( WriteOut )


decl fdiff [public]


static const decl gamma [public]


static const decl istep [public]
default initial step size.


NelderMead :: Iterate ( iplex )
Iterate on the Amoeba algorithm.
iplex N×N+1 matrix of initial steps.
double, initial step size (iplex is set to 0~unit(N))
integer > 0, max starts of the algorithm
0 (default), use current mxstarts.
= -1 (UseGradient), compute gradient and use its normed value as initial simplex
= -2 (UseCheckPoint), read in checkpoint file to return to last state.
See GetStarted


static const decl itoler [public]
default Plexsize tolerance.


NelderMead :: ItStartCheck ( iplex )


decl mxstarts [public]
number simplex resets.


decl n_func [public]
function evaluations.


NelderMead :: NelderMead ( O )
Initialize a Nelder-Mead Simplex Maximization.
O Objective to work on.


decl nodeV [public]
function values on the simples.


decl nodeX [public]
free parameter simplex.


decl plexsize [public]
current area of plex.


NelderMead :: Reflect ( fac )
Reflect through simplex.
fac factor


NelderMead :: SimplexSize ( )
Compute size of the current simplex.
j |X-μ|


decl step [public]
current step size to create simplex


NelderMead :: Tune ( mxstarts , toler , nfuncmax , maxiter )
Tune NelderMead Parameters .
mxstarts integer number of simplex restarts
0 use current/default value
toler double, simplex tolerance for convergence
0 use current/default value
nfuncmax integer, number of function evaluations before resetting the simplex
0 use current/default value
maxiter integer max. number of iterations
0 use current/default value



virtual Newton :: Hupdate ( )
Compute the objective's Hessian and the current parameter vector.
See also:
ConvergenceResults, NoiseLevels


Newton :: Newton ( O )
Create an object of the Newton optimization algorithm.
O the Objective object to apply this algorithm to.

decl myobj = new MyObjective();
decl newt = new Newtown(myobj);

See GetStarted



virtual NewtonRaphson :: Jupdate ( dx )
Compute the objective's Jacobian.


NewtonRaphson :: NewtonRaphson ( O , USELM )
Create a Newton-Raphson object to solve a system of equations.
O, the System-derived object to solve.
USELM FALSE [default] do not do a line search each iteration.

obj = new MyObjective();
nr = new NewtonRaphson(obj);
hr -> Iterate();

Also see GetStarted



OneDimRoot :: Bracket ( )
Bracket a root of the equation.


static const decl defmxiter [public]



static const decl istepmin [public]
minimum initial step size.


OneDimRoot :: Iterate ( istep , maxiter , toler )
Find a 1-dimensional root.
istep initial step, can be positive or negative [default=1.0]
maxiter > 0 max. number iterations > 0 [default=50]
toler > 0 tolerance
0 [default=SSQ_TOLER] This uses the fact that vcur.v contains the norm of the equation, not the negative,


static const decl itoler [public]


OneDimRoot :: OneDimRoot ( O )
Object to iterate to find the root a non-linear equation (OneDimSystem).



RandomSearch :: RandomSearch ( O )
Random search without annealing.



decl dg [public]


RootFinding :: Direction ( )
Compute the direction. If inversion of J fails, reset to I


RootFinding :: Gupdate ( )
Upate Jacobian when using line search aggregation of the system.


RootFinding :: Iterate ( J )
Iterate to solve a non-linear system.
J matrix, initial Jacobian for Broyden.
integer, set to identity

This routine is shared (inherited) by derived algorithms.


virtual RootFinding :: ItStartCheck ( J )
This routine is called at the start if Iterate().
ReadCheckPoint TRUE means starting point coming from the checkpoint file.

If running in parallel it is this routine that server nodes go into the server loop. The client node will enter into the main iteration loop.


RootFinding :: JJupdate ( )
Wrapper for updating the Jacobian of the system.

This is a wrapper for the virtual Jupdate() routine.
FAIL if change in parameter values is too small. Otherwise, return NONE
See also:


virtual RootFinding :: Jupdate ( dx )
Compute the objective's Jacobian.
dx argument is ignored (default=0)


RootFinding :: RootFinding ( O , USELM )
Solve a non-linear system of equations.
O System object
USELM FALSE [default] do not do a line search each iteration.


decl USELM [public]
use line search.



decl accept [public]


decl chol [public]
cholesky matrix for random parameter change, default I


decl cooling [public]
rate to cool down. default = 0.85


decl heat [public]
current heat default intial =1.0


decl holdpt [public]


SimulatedAnnealing :: Iterate ( chol )
Carry out annealing.
chol Determines the Choleski matrix for random draws, C
0 [default] \(C = I\), the identity matrix
matrix, \(C = \) chol.
double, common standard deviation, \(C = chol I\).


decl M [public]


SimulatedAnnealing :: Metropolis ( )
accept or reject.


decl shrinkage [public]
rate to shrink variance.default=0.5


SimulatedAnnealing :: SimulatedAnnealing ( O )
Initialize Simulated Annealing.
O Objective to work on.


decl tries [public]


SimulatedAnnealing :: Tune ( maxiter , heat , cooling , shrinkage )
Tune annealing parameters.
maxiter > 0, number of iterations
0 do not change
heat > 0, temperature parameter
0 do not change
cooling ∈ (0,1], rate to cool,
0 do not change
shrinkage ∈ (0,1], rate to shrink,
0 do not change


decl Vtries [public]


decl vtries [public]



static const decl BETA [public]


SQP :: Gupdate ( )


SQP :: HHupdate ( FORCE )


virtual SQP :: Hupdate ( )


SQP :: Iterate ( H )
H initial Hessian
integer, use I


decl ne [public]


decl ni [public]


SQP :: SQP ( O )
Create a new Sequential Quadratic Programming object.
O Constrained objective








SysMax :: SysMax ( O )
A method to optimize along a line.
O Objective