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Functions, classes and methods shared among all components of DDP.

 Global variables, functions, enumerations

 ClockTypeLabels static const parallel array of labels for the built-in clock types.
 exogoffs static \(\eta\) and \(\epsilon\) subspaces.
 Fgamma static 2-dimensiona array pointing to \(\Gamma\), [r,f].
 Gamma static \(\Gamma\): array (list) of groups of fixed and random effects, \(\gamma\).
 groupoffs static \(\Gamma\) related subspaces.
 ilistnames static const
 maskoffs static
 NDPlabels const
 Theta static \(\Theta\): array (list) of endogenous states \(\theta\).
 thetaoffs static \(\theta\) tracking or iterating indices.
 ReverseState Recreate a State vector from an index and offset vector.
 ClockTypes Send one of these tags as first argument to SetClock() to use that clock.
 DataColumnTypes Kinds of variables in data sets.
 DPPhases Phases of DP computations.
 FlatOptions Flat views of panel data.
 GMMWeightOptions Weighting of moments in GMM.
 HookTimes Points in the solution process that users can insert static functions or methods.
 InteractionTypes Type of Interaction Auxiliary Values.
 LikelihoodTypes Type of likelihood function to build based on observability.
 NReachTypes Categories of Endgoenous State Reachability.
 SmoothingMethods Ways to smooth choice probabilities without adding an explicit continuous error ζ.
 StateCategories Categories of state variables.
 SubSpaces Groups of continguous SubVectorNames.
 SubVectorNames Vectors of state variables.
 TransStore Elements of array stored at each theta.
 UpdateTimes Point in solving when updating of parameters and transitions needs to occur.
 Vspace Names for 0 and 1 for Bellman iteration.

 Alpha : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Aspects of the Action Space \(A(\theta)\).
See also:
Public fields
 A static Current ACTUAL feasible actions.
 aA static Simulated actual realized action .
 aC static Simulated realized action (row of C).
 aI static row index of simulated alpha.
 AIlist static Array of indices into Matrix for each feasible set .
 aL1 static First character of action labels.
 AList static List of actual feasible action matrices (AV values), automatically updated.
 C static Current feasible action matrix.
 CList static list of feasible action matrices (CV) values.
 Count static (vector) Number of states for each A set.
 Matrix static matrix of all action vectors, A.
 N static Rows of A, # of feasible actions.
 Rlabels static Array of Array labels for rows of A that look like α.
 Sets static List of Feasible Action indicators (column vector of 0s and 1s).
Public methods
 AddA static
 Aprint static
 ClearA static
 Initialize static
 ResetA static
 SetA static

 DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Container for auxiliary classes used in DDP but not elsewhere (directly).

 Flags : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Indicators related to the DP problem. All elements are static. A user's code can reference these variables but should not change them unless building a new solution method.
Public fields
 AllGroupsExist static Integer TRUE (default) means all possible combination of fixed and random groups exist in the group space Γ and should be created.
 CallTrans static If UpdateTime=WhenFlagIsSet then next Solve() will update transitions.
 HasBeenUpdated static Transitions has been called.
 HasFixedEffect static Γ already includes fixed effects
 HasKeptZ static Includes a kept continuous state variable.
 inctime static time increment.
 IsErgodic static create space to store \(P(\theta';\alpha,\theta)\) and update it if SetPstar during interation.
 NKstep static Newton-Kantorovich Step is active.
 onlyDryRun static Do not create Θ, but do everything else.
 Phase static Phase of model solution or use.
 Prunable static TRUE if clock is finite horizon so automatic pruning can apply.
 ReadIN static Read I and N objects from .dim file (avoids one span of the state space to find reachable indices.
 runtime static vector of time spent in each phase.
 setPstar static set \(P^*(\alpha,\cdots)\) in Bellman
 StatStage static Stationary Stage of value iteration.
 StorePA static store Α.D x Θ.D matrix of choice probabilities
 ThetaCreated static CreateSpaces() has been called or not.
 time0 static base time mark.
 UpdateTime static Indicators for when transit update occurs.
 UseStateList static .
Public methods
 NewPhase static Cumulate time on current phase, report time, set new phase.
 Reset static
 SetPrunable static Sets Prunable to TRUE if the clock setting makes automatic pruning of the state space valid.
 TimeProfile static Report the time spent in different phases of the calculations.

 Hooks : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Manages an array (stored in hooks) that holds user-defined static functions/methods to call at different points in the solution process.

Hooks are places in the DP solution process where the user can add code to be carried out. This is done using the Add() procedure. Hooks are a list of procedures to be called so more than one procedure can be carried out.

Reset() will re-initialize hooks so that you can change what is done between one solution method and the next.

See also:
HookTimes, SetUpdateTime
Public fields
 h static
 hooks static
Public methods
 Add static Add a static function or method to a hook.
 Do static Call all the methods on the hook.
 Reset static Empty the hooks (delete first if already created).

 I : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Dynamically updated indices into state spaces.
Public fields
 all static vector of current indices into spaces.
 curg static current point in group space, γ..
 curth static current point in state space, θ.
 CVdelta static The current value of δ.
 f static index of current fixed group.
 g static index of current γ group.
 later static .
 majt static Current value of majt.
 OO static matrix of offsets.
 r static index of current random group.
 rtran static index into dynamic random group.
 subt static Current value of sub period s.
 t static Current value of t.
Public methods
 Initialize static
 NowSet static Initialize now and later indices for Bellman iteration.
 NowSwap static Swap the now and later indices for Bellman iteration.
 Set static
 SetExogOnly static
 SetGroup static

 Labels : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Contains arrays of labels for variables.
Public fields
 V static arrays of labels of variable objects.
 Vprt static abbreviated labels of variable objects.
Public methods
 Initialize static

 N : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Numbers and sizes of vectors related to the dynamic program. All elements are static and now object is created. A user's code can reference these variables but should never change them.
Public fields
 A static Α.N=rows(ActionMatrix), N unconstrained actions.
 AA static rows of feasible action sizes.
 All static uninitialized state.
 Approximated static Number of states approximated (not subsampled).
 aux static number of auxiliary variables, sizeof of Chi
 Av static columns(ActionMatrix), action variables
 DynR static either 0 or R
 Ewidth static Width of columns in pandv for given eta.
 F static number of fixed effect groups.
 G static number of groups, Γ.D
 insamp static T array of indices in subsample.
 invLam static storage for (I-Lam) inverse.
 J static Number of different action sets.
 MaxSZ static Submsample parameter.
 MinSZ static Submsample parameter.
 Mitstates static # of iteration points SS[iterating].size.
 Options static vector of sizes of feasible action sets.
 R static number of random groups
 ReachableIndices static .
 ReachableStates static Count of reachable states.
 S static number of all state variables.
 SampleProportion static FALSE means no subsampling.
 T static counter.t.N, the decision horizon.
 TerminalStates static Count of terminal states.
 tfirst static lowest state index for each t.
 VV static Scratch space for value iteration.
Public methods
 Initialize static
 IsReachable static
 picked static
 print static
 Reached static
 Reset static
 SetSubSample static
 Sizes static
 SubSample static
 SubSampleDone static
 ZeroVV static

 TrackObj : DDPauxiliary : Zauxiliary

Contains information on an object (variable, auxiliary outcome, etc) to be tracked.
Public fields
 LorC const column label of index
 pos const Position in the flat list
Public methods
 print virtual
 TrackObj Track an object in a prediction path.
 Update virtual


ClockTypes Send one of these tags as first argument to SetClock() to use that clock.
TagClock Type
RegimeChangeNot Coded Yet
InfiniteHorizon, Ergodic, SubPeriods, NormalAging, StaticProgram, RandomAging, RandomMortality, UncertainLongevity, RegimeChange, SocialExperiment, UserDefined, NClockTypes
DataColumnTypes Kinds of variables in data sets.
idvarIdentifier for the path (agent)
freqvarFrequency (weight to apply to this observation)
idvar, avar, svar, auxvar, freqvar, NColumnTypes
DPPhases Phases of DP computations. The current phase is set by the code and time spent in each phase is tracked.
See also:
FlatOptions Flat views of panel data. LONG, WIDE, FlatOptions
GMMWeightOptions Weighting of moments in GMM. \
UNWEIGHTEDNo weighting occurs
UNCORRELATEDEach difference between empirical and predicted moments is weighted by the inverse of its (bounded) sample standard deviation. This treats each moment as uncorrelated with other moments, including contemporaneous moments. In addition, each moment has an ad hoc influnce weight that is read in from the data for time value t=-1.
IGNOREINFLUENCESame as UNCORRELATED, but any influence weight in the data (at t=-1) is ignored.
CONTEMPORANEOUS[NOT YET IMPLEMENTED]. This reads in a matrix of weights to apply to each time period's differences pre
INTERTEMPORALThis applies a matrix of weights to the full path, read in from files with names pathW_ff.mat and ff is the index of the fixed group. These files are created by
AUGMENTEDPATHWThis augments path weighting matrices. Moments that do not vary have weight 0. This weights these moments by 0.01 so that they are matched as well as variable moments.
HookTimes Points in the solution process that users can insert static functions or methods.

PreAuxOutcomesCalled by ExpectedOutcomes() and AuxLikelihood() as they run, which only happen if there are AuxiliaryValues added to the model. At this point all state variables have been synched and each aux value's Realize() or Likelihood method will be called. This allows the model to compute realized values at a given value of \(\eta\) and \(\theta\) and store them temporarily.
PreUpdateCalled by Transitions(). The point this occurs depends on UpdateTime
The times below are ordered in decreasing frequency of execution.
AtThetaTrans Called by Method::Run() for each endogenous state θ before the transition is computed.
PostSmooth Called by Run() after each time the value of a state has been computed and Smooth() has been called to compute choice probabilities. That is, it is called only when setPstar is TRUE. For stationary models this is only when convergence has been reached. For non-stationary times it is after each value iteration.
PostGSolve Called by RandomSolve::Run() after a call to GSolve has traversed the state space. That is, after the value of all states has been found.
PostRESolve Called by Run() after all random effects have been solved. That is, after all choice probabilities relevant to observationally-equivalent problems have been computed. At this point a mixture over choice probabilities coudl be could be computed.
PostFESolveCalled by Solve() after all fixed effect groups have been solved. That is, after all problems defined by the user's DP model have been solved.
GroupCreateCalled by the task that sets up the group space Gamma (Γ) before creation of each separate group. The function added here should return TRUE if the group should be created and FALSE otherwise.

See also:
Hooks, UpdateTime
PreAuxOutcomes, PreUpdate, AtThetaTrans, PostSmooth, PostGSolve, PostRESolve, PostFESolve, GroupCreate, NHooks
InteractionTypes Type of Interaction Auxiliary Values. NoInt, StateInt, ActInt, AuxInt, InteractionTypes
LikelihoodTypes Type of likelihood function to build based on observability. CCLikeExogLikePartObsLike [default]
Everything is observed except for the additive choice-specific error ζ. Auxiliary values cannot contribute anything extra information. See CCLikelihood
The exogenous vector ε is also unobserved. Under this form the likelihood of AuxiliaryValues is relevant and AuxLikelihood() is called for each observation and each value of ε
Account for (sum over) any form of unobservability in states and actions. Currently this form cannot incorporate likelihood of auxiliary values.
See also:
OutcomeDataSet, IIDLikelihood, PartialObservedLikelihood
CCLike, ExogLike, PartObsLike, LikelihoodTypes
NReachTypes Categories of Endgoenous State Reachability.
InUnRchbleUnreachable because a state variable is inherently unreachable
UUnRchbleUnreacheable because a user Reachable returns FALSE
InUnRchble, UUnRchble, Rchble, NReachTypes
SmoothingMethods Ways to smooth choice probabilities without adding an explicit continuous error ζ.
Optimal choices are equally likely, sub-optimal choices have zero choice probability:
\(n^\star = \) number of feasible choices in \(\arg\max\ v(\alpha;\theta)\).

\(P^\star (\alpha;\theta) = I\left\{\alpha \in \arg\max_{\alpha}\ v(\alpha;\theta)\right\} / n^\star\)

Note: exogenous (ε) and semi-exogenous (η) state variables are allowed but they are suppressed in the notation for readibility.
$$P^\star = {e^{\rho\left(v(\alpha)-V\right)} \over \sum_{a\in A(\theta) } e^{\rho\left(v(a)-V\right)}}$$
… to be added
NoSmoothing, LogitKernel, GaussKernel, ExPostSmoothingMethods
StateCategories Categories of state variables. These categories are used mainly for summarizing the model. NONRANDOMSV, RANDOMSV, COEVOLVINGSV, AUGMENTEDV, TIMINGV, TIMEINVARIANTV, NStateCategories
SubSpaces Groups of continguous SubVectorNames.
Many aspects of a model solution or application require processing more than one of the vector types organized by SubVectorNames. In essentially all such tasks the vectors to be processed are next to each other in the order they are stored in S.
The different sets of vectors that might be needed to carry out a task are then group into a range of elements of the sub vector list.
Different ranges of subvectors are represented as objects of the SubSpace class. Subspace information is somewhat similar to the information in Space, and neither class stores the state variables themselves.
Many of these ranges consist of only one vector. They are the ones that have only in their name. For example, onlyexog is the subspace that consists of only the endog space (the ε vector in the mathematical description.).
The table below only describes the subspaces that are not the same as a vector.
, except only the leftmost element of the clock (the actual t variable) is included. This avoids storing unnecessary information about t'.
bothexogAll state variables that either exogenous or semi-exogenous. That is, mathematically it is the concatentation of ε and η
trackingAll state variables that are required for tracking results of the model solution. In the model this is simply θ again, but internally it is both the endog and clock vectors
iteratingState variables needed when iterating on Bellman's equation. This subspace includes all elements of the clock block.
bothgroupThe full group vector γ, concatenating the rgroup and fgroup spaces.
onlyacts, onlyexog, onlysemiexog, bothexog, onlyendog, tracking, onlyclock, allstates, iterating, onlyrand, onlydynrand, onlyfixed, bothgroup, DSubSpaces
SubVectorNames Vectors of state variables.
Typically the user does not need to use these names unless building a new solution method or similar core programming. This information is for those curious about how the underlying code is organized.
In the mathematical description of a DDP model, there are several vectors of variables. These variables are represented by objects in the model and the overall list of variable objects added to the model is stored in States.
The vectors themselves are lists (oxarrays) of objects which store store a pointer to (not a separate copy of) the state variables in States. This list of lists of variables is stored in SubVectors.
To get things done the aspects of the separate state variables has to be combined into information about the vector they belong. The list SubVectors itself cannot capture that aggregate information.
This aggreate information about the variables in a vector include how many endogenous state variables there are and how many points in the space they create. This information is constructed by CreateSpaces() for each vector and storedin objects of the Space class. The list of Space objects is itself an oxarray held in DP::S (which is documented only in the internal version of this documentation).
The integer tags listed here are the internal names of the elements of both that array and the array SubVectors of variable objects.
For example, when the user's code calls EndogenousStates() it adds the objects sent as arguments to the list DP::SubVectors[endog]. Then CreateSpaces() will go through that list and create information about the endogenous space Θ and store it in object DP::S[endog]

actsThe components of the action vector α. Including action variables in the same list of lists makes the internal code a little cleaner.
exogThe fully exogenous vector ε
semiexogThe semi-exogenous vector η
endogThe endogenous vector θ (not including the clock).
clockThe clock block. In the mathematical description the clock is an element of θ to avoid yet another vector and Greek letter. However, internally it is easier to separate the clock block from θ
rgroupThe RandomEffect elements of the group vector γ. Again, to avoid extra notation, the mathematical description puts both random and fixed effects into one vector, but internally they are stored on separate lists.
fgroupThe FixedEffect elements of γ.
DSubVectorsThe number of different vectors.
LeftSVEquivalent to exog. This is the index of the leftmost true state vector. This ensures some internal loops over vectors start at the right place even if additional vectors have to be added later to the code.

acts, exog, semiexog, endog, clock, rgroup, fgroup, DSubVectors, LeftSV
TransStore Elements of array stored at each theta. Qtr, Qit, Qrho, TransStore
UpdateTimes Point in solving when updating of parameters and transitions needs to occur.
InCreateSpacesTransitions do not depend on any parameters that change so they can be initialized in CreateSpaces() and never recalculated.
WhenFlagIsSetUpdate transitions at the start of Solve() but ONLY if the RecomputeTrans() has been called. This ensures that if transitions depend on parameters that are controlled by the outside but multiple calls to solve will be made for the same parameter values (say while computing equilibrium prices and transitions only depend on parameters)
OnlyOnceUpdate transitions just once on each call to Solve(). This ensures that if transitions depend on parameters that are controlled by the outside (say by an optimization algorithm) the probabilities used in solving the model will reflect any changes in the parameters since the last time the solution method was applied.
AfterFixedUpdate transitions after the value of the fixed groups is set. This will allow transitions to depend on the value of fixed effect variables.
AfterRandomUpdate transitions after the value of the random groups is set. This will allow transitions to depend on the value of both fixed and random effect variables.
There is a potentially large computational cost of updating the transitions more often than is necessary.
See also:
InCreateSpaces, WhenFlagIsSet, OnlyOnce, AfterFixed, AfterRandom, UpdateTimes
Vspace Names for 0 and 1 for Bellman iteration. In ValueIteration an 2-array of vectors are stored as scratch-space for Bellman iteration. now and later toggled back and forth between 0 and 1 as iteration procedes which avoids copy potentially large vectors each time. NOW, LATER, DVspace


static const decl ClockTypeLabels
parallel array of labels for the built-in clock types.


static decl exogoffs
\(\eta\) and \(\epsilon\) subspaces.


static decl Fgamma
2-dimensiona array pointing to \(\Gamma\), [r,f].


static decl Gamma
\(\Gamma\): array (list) of groups of fixed and random effects, \(\gamma\).


static decl groupoffs
\(\Gamma\) related subspaces.


static const decl ilistnames


static decl maskoffs


const decl NDPlabels


ReverseState ( Ind , subsp )
Recreate a State vector from an index and offset vector.
Ind, integer or row vector of integers
subsp SubSpaces, index into offset vector OO
matrix of state vectors with index Ind given subspace


static decl Theta
\(\Theta\): array (list) of endogenous states \(\theta\).


static decl thetaoffs
\(\theta\) tracking or iterating indices.



static decl A [public]
Current ACTUAL feasible actions.


static decl aA [public]
Simulated actual realized action .


static decl aC [public]
Simulated realized action (row of C).



static decl aI [public]
row index of simulated alpha.


static decl AIlist [public]
Array of indices into Matrix for each feasible set .


static decl aL1 [public]
First character of action labels.


static decl AList [public]
List of actual feasible action matrices (AV values), automatically updated. Each point in the endogenous state space has an index: Aind into this list.



static decl C [public]
Current feasible action matrix.
See also:



static decl CList [public]
list of feasible action matrices (CV) values. Each point in the endogenous state space has an index: Aind into this list. .


static decl Count [public]
(vector) Number of states for each A set.



static decl Matrix [public]
matrix of all action vectors, A. This is a copy of CList[0]. As action variables are added to the model using Actions(), this matrix is built up. CreateSpaces() then calls FeasibleActions() for each endogenous state θ. Different feasible sets are then added to CList.


static decl N [public]
Rows of A, # of feasible actions.



static decl Rlabels [public]
Array of Array labels for rows of A that look like α.



static decl Sets [public]
List of Feasible Action indicators (column vector of 0s and 1s).



static decl AllGroupsExist [public]
Integer TRUE (default) means all possible combination of fixed and random groups exist in the group space Γ and should be created. If you add a function to the GroupCreate Hooks then this is set FALSE. Your function should return TRUE if the current group oup should be created.
See also:
Hooks, HookTimes, Add, FixedEffect, RandomEffect


static decl CallTrans [public]
If UpdateTime=WhenFlagIsSet then next Solve() will update transitions.


static decl HasBeenUpdated [public]
Transitions has been called.


static decl HasFixedEffect [public]
Γ already includes fixed effects


static decl HasKeptZ [public]
Includes a kept continuous state variable.


static decl inctime [public]
time increment.


static decl IsErgodic [public]
create space to store \(P(\theta';\alpha,\theta)\) and update it if SetPstar during interation.


static Flags :: NewPhase ( nuphase , report )
Cumulate time on current phase, report time, set new phase.
nuphase DDPhases to start. If INITIALIZING all runtimes are set to 0.
INBETWEEN [default]. Next phase is not determined at this point.
report FALSE [default] silent
TRUE print out time report for the ending phase

This is called internally to track time spent in different stages of the program.


static decl NKstep [public]
Newton-Kantorovich Step is active.


static decl onlyDryRun [public]
Do not create Θ, but do everything else.


static decl Phase [public]
Phase of model solution or use.
See also:


static decl Prunable [public]
TRUE if clock is finite horizon so automatic pruning can apply.


static decl ReadIN [public]
Read I and N objects from .dim file (avoids one span of the state space to find reachable indices.



static decl runtime [public]
vector of time spent in each phase.


static Flags :: SetPrunable ( clock )
Sets Prunable to TRUE if the clock setting makes automatic pruning of the state space valid.

User code does not call this.

Clocks that are prunable:
See also:


static decl setPstar [public]
set \(P^*(\alpha,\cdots)\) in Bellman


static decl StatStage [public]
Stationary Stage of value iteration.


static decl StorePA [public]
store Α.D x Θ.D matrix of choice probabilities


static decl ThetaCreated [public]
CreateSpaces() has been called or not.


static decl time0 [public]
base time mark.


static Flags :: TimeProfile ( fn )
Report the time spent in different phases of the calculations.
fn a file pointer or an integer (print to screen)


static decl UpdateTime [public]
Indicators for when transit update occurs.
See also:


static decl UseStateList [public]



static Hooks :: Add ( time , proc )
Add a static function or method to a hook.
time integer tag HookTimes, point in time (where in model solution) to call the routine.
proc static function or method to call.
Say hello after every Bellman iteration is complete:
 sayhello() { print("hello"); }
See also:
HookTimes, SetUpdateTime


static Hooks :: Do ( ht )
Call all the methods on the hook. This is called internally. User code should not do this.
ht one of the HookTimes
vector of integer return values of hooks (currently not used)


static decl h [public]


static decl hooks [public]


static Hooks :: Reset ( )
Empty the hooks (delete first if already created).



static decl all [public]
vector of current indices into spaces.


static decl curg [public]
current point in group space, γ.. Set in Set.


static decl curth [public]
current point in state space, θ. Set in Set.


static decl CVdelta [public]
The current value of δ. This is set in Transitions() to avoid repeated calls to CV.
See also:


static decl f [public]
index of current fixed group.


static decl g [public]
index of current γ group.



static decl later [public]
. @interanl


static decl majt [public]
Current value of majt. This equals t unless the clock is Divided.


static I :: NowSet ( )
Initialize now and later indices for Bellman iteration.


static I :: NowSwap ( )
Swap the now and later indices for Bellman iteration.


static decl OO [public]
matrix of offsets.


static decl r [public]
index of current random group.


static decl rtran [public]
index into dynamic random group.





static decl subt [public]
Current value of sub period s. This identically 0 unless the clock is Divided.
See also:


static decl t [public]
Current value of t.




static decl V [public]
arrays of labels of variable objects.


static decl Vprt [public]
abbreviated labels of variable objects.



static decl A [public]
Α.N=rows(ActionMatrix), N unconstrained actions.


static decl AA [public]
rows of feasible action sizes.


static decl All [public]
uninitialized state.


static decl Approximated [public]
Number of states approximated (not subsampled).


static decl aux [public]
number of auxiliary variables, sizeof of Chi


static decl Av [public]
columns(ActionMatrix), action variables


static decl DynR [public]
either 0 or R


static decl Ewidth [public]
Width of columns in pandv for given eta.


static decl F [public]
number of fixed effect groups.


static decl G [public]
number of groups, Γ.D



static decl insamp [public]
T array of indices in subsample.


static decl invLam [public]
storage for (I-Lam) inverse.



static decl J [public]
Number of different action sets.


static decl MaxSZ [public]
Submsample parameter.


static decl MinSZ [public]
Submsample parameter.


static decl Mitstates [public]
# of iteration points SS[iterating].size.


static decl Options [public]
vector of sizes of feasible action sets.




static decl R [public]
number of random groups


static decl ReachableIndices [public]


static decl ReachableStates [public]
Count of reachable states.




static decl S [public]
number of all state variables.


static decl SampleProportion [public]
FALSE means no subsampling. Otherwise, pattern of subsampling of the state space.
See also:






static decl T [public]
counter.t.N, the decision horizon.


static decl TerminalStates [public]
Count of terminal states.


static decl tfirst [public]
lowest state index for each t.


static decl VV [public]
Scratch space for value iteration.




decl hist [public]


decl hN [public]


decl hv [public]


const decl LorC [public]
column label of index


decl mean [public]


const decl pos [public]
Position in the flat list



decl sqmean [public]


TrackObj :: TrackObj ( LorC , obj , pos )
Track an object in a prediction path.



decl v [public]